Biblia, Warrior Librarian: the zine for librarians that defy classification

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Night Desk:

Head of Production:

A.B. Credaro

A.B. Credaro



Hair Stylist:
A.B. Credaro

Wardrobe Supervisor:
A.B. Credaro



Note: The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. Any resemblance to real librarians (living or dead, or somewhere in between) or real libraries, may be a coincidence - but probably not.

Biblia, the Warrior Librarian, was created by A.B.Credaro. The practice of Warrior Librarianship is common, and therefore quite possibly in the public domain. As such, it is likely to be exempt from any copyright restrictions. However, this does not limit Warrior Librarian Weekly, its agents, employees, heirs, spouses, family pets, or others connected with the zine, from trying to make an easy buck from its use.

Universal permission is granted to any website to create a link to any page on this site. Notification of such links is appreciated, but not mandatory.

All material on this site was written by A.B. Credaro unless otherwize stated. Requests for permission to publish or circulate any content should be directed to same.




Government challenged by Warrior Librarian

NT Library awarded prize In an ongoing saga of intrigue that is notable for its lack of momentum, Biblia has been writing letters and pestering people well beyond her usual sphere of irritation.

Although maybe only a handful of people have any interest in the educational programming of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, the recent revelation that an additional AUD$71.2 million dollars was allocated to the ABC for programming is in direct contradiction to the ABC's statements that they did not receive sufficent funding to continue with the media clarification show, "Behind the News". (You can read the whole digital correspondence file here.)

BTN was popular with librarians as the language level is low enough to suit English learners of all ages and abilities. Unfortunately the violence content is high, but then what else could be expected with the types of events covered? This program was not only a valuable information resource, but perhaps most importantly, it was free.

As the Warrior Librarian Calculator's batteries were dead, it is impossible to accurately calculate how many books you could buy for $71.2 million, nor how much restoration work might have been carried out on libraries (or librarians) with that amount of money.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard (pictured here presenting an award to librarian Jennifer Robertson and library manager Elizabeth Roberts of the NT Nhulunbuy Community Library, with Family and Community Services Minister Amanda Vanstone to the right - extreme right) has yet to comment on this issue. (The utilisation of funding for educational TV programs, not the dead batteries in the WLW calculator).

For $71.2 million, the Warrior Librarian crew could have produced the TV show for the next four years ourselves, and had enough change left over for new calculator batteries ...

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Information access denied

PM and president Civil libertarians are concerned that millions of people around the world have been denied access to vital security information. In what media commentators might call an 'unprecidented attack on our right to know', British Prime Minister Tony Blair has appeared on television in a broadcast that was blocked outside Great Britain.

Although the producers of The Simpsons have indicated that there was no political content in the January 9th special British episode, our younger citizens in particular will be questioning this blatant act of censorship.

The brief sound bites played on an unnamed radio station concerned The Simpson family's meeting with Blair, who advised them on sight-seeing highlights. Other information selectively released indicated that officers representing Blair spent several months in negotiations, and the PM took a mere 15 minutes to record his script.

But it's just not the same as actually viewing the program. It's like reading a review and not being able to buy the book ...

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Library alternatives:
Book crossing

book security Aiming to turn the 'whole world into one big library', Book Crossing is part book club, part detective agency and part reading promotion organization. By completing the free membership and registering your book(s) before leaving them in coffee shops or on park benches, you can follow their progress through the great unknown.

Urging people to 'set their books free' and 'release them into the wild', Book Crossing seems to share many of the ideals of libraries, but without having to shelve, repair, catalog or track overdues. Seems like a good idea to us.

Authors apparently shouldn't be worried about potential for loss of sales of their books. Information provided on the web site also includes the fact that people can buy two copies of a book, keep one and put the other one out in the wild.

The big worry is the web site's advice to 'grab a few books off your shelves' and leave them on park benches and in coffee shops. But we suggest you think carefully about this before approaching your library board or administrator ...

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Search Guru speaks about libraries

Danny Sullivan Anyone with an interest in finding web-based information will know of Search Engine Watch and Danny Sullivan. A respected writter, author and speaker, Danny has worked in the area of search engines for over eight years.

Speaking candidly with the Warrior Librarian, Danny notes that the bulk of human knowledge remains off-line, and that libraries and librarians play a valuable roll in information provision.

In an exclusive interview with the Warrior Librarian, Danny frankly discusses the effect libraries and librarians have had on his work and his life ...

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click here for book's website Together with sex, violence and all the other warnings, the website for The Brick Testament indicates that this book also contains cursing. An extensive search of banned and challenged book databases fails to return any results for this title.

Could this be the next 'hot brick' for children's and school librarians to have to deal with? In an effort to be proactive, the Warrior Librarian has already completed a Challenge Defence for this title, based pretty much on the fact that the illustrations are Lego® models. The Lego® Corporation states that "Our name comes from the combination of the Danish "leg godt", which means to 'play well.' It is both our name and our nature. We believe that play is the essential ingredient in a child's growth and development. It grows the human spirit. It encourages imagination, conceptual thinking and creation."

Another factor in the book's defense is that it is out of print. Even the most determined Challenger would have a problem whining about a book you don't even have, although that doesn't always stop them ...

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Searching for information Over the festive season, much of the Warrior Librarian Research Team time was spent investigating matters pertaining to overindulgence, self-fulfilling prophesies, memory retention under stress, and stretching the outermost limits of family bonding.

In summary, the findings can be reported as non-conclusive. However, given the cyclical recurrence of these events, further opportunities for the continuance of these investigations will be forthcoming. All we need now is some grant money ...

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Laugh yourself comatose

 man laughing
WLW Reader

Research has shown that the average librarian will take 15 to 20 minutes to read this web page. Anecdotal evidence is suggesting that many librarians fear they do not have enough time to investigate the humor links. The majority of the 90+ original library humor items (all written by Biblia, and not available anywhere else on the 'net) in the Humor Index are designed to take less than 2 minutes to read.

However, if you choose to hang around there for hours reading them all, then re-reading them, then WLW cannot take any responsibility. You now have the choice of using the genetically unmodified Alphabetical Index or the dolphin-safe Dewey Version. Caffeine-free version has been temporarily canned, pending an FDA investigation ...

Caution: Will open in new window ...


MASS MEDIA: Yet again, there has been no coverage in any of the national papers on either Biblia or Warrior Librarian Weekly. Sheesh, even the Blacktown Sun and the Blacktown Advocate seem to be completely tied up with other stories ...

CONFERENCES Biblia's next conference appearance is scheduled on June 29, 2004 for the School Library Association of Queensland. Members and friends of MEMO can click here for the report on the Fargo conference.

ACADEMIA: The University of Texas at Arlington now lists this website on its page 'Websites for Professional Growth'...

INTERNET: Google now lists 'about' 1,830 hits for a search on the phrase "warrior librarian". Not that we check regularly or anything ....

FROM THE MAILBOX: There's been an interesting increase in the number of "bouncing" emails coming back to our mailbox - particularly as they weren't sent from here. When we find out who's spoofing our address to send p*orn*graphic spam, boy, are they in deep trouble ...

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Does every editorial at this time of year have to start with the standard "welcome to a new year" message? Already the New Year Resolutions are falling like snowflakes, drifting poetically through the air to land in muddy puddles and get trampled underfoot. Although in the southern hemisphere, they're more like the wilting of day lillies - falling to rot on the ground and become home to horrible things that slither and crawl. Or run up your arm, or even worse, down your back.

Such is the cycle of life. And resolutions. Jane Mackenzie suggests in Quiet Storm that it's time for library-type people to "wake up and smell the coffee". As the world around us continues to change, as it always has, we continue to confront the stereotype of our profession in what ever way suits us best as individuals.

Perhaps this is the year to re-evaluate many things about ourselves and our libraries. But it's not like we're not already doing this or anything. With Yahoo now recognising library activism as a subject worthy of its own branch in the directory tree, it can't be long before librarians take control of their national governments, form an international coalition, and get this planet back on track.

Of course, we have a bit of shelving to do first, and some cataloging to finish off. And we'd have to rearrange the shift roster ...


Biblia, the Warrior Librarian
Graphic by Peter Lewis


Middle Earth zooms to the forefront of the 21st Century, as New Zealand libraries do a deal with the Gale Group and EBSCO to provide full-text access to thousands of magazines and journals for everyone in the country, via school and public libraries. The Ministry of Education is footing the bill ...

Congratulations to East Lothian Council, who has solved the problem of library theft for 6 schools in its area. It has impounded the contents of the libraries in a dispute that could ring alarm bells for future public-private partnerships ...

Art critic Leslie Camhi's advice on the organization of personal libraries is an interesting one. Organize fiction by author as if at a dinner party, with 'guests' placed adjacent to others with similar interests. Let's all try that one at work! (Not)

The Onion recently commented that the world has gone crazy, as "the top golfer is black, the top rapper is white, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and France is accusing the US of arrogance" ... Now in Georgia, 8 white librarians have been awarded US$18 million in an anti-discrimination law suit...

The news that USF is providing grants to produce more librarians luckily goes on to describe grants processes. For a while there, it sounded like a breeding program ...

With hundreds of "lawyers, paralegals, librarians and clerks" working on the Enron bankruptcy case which has now billed over US$57 million for research time, it would be interesting to know the pay rate the law firm used for its library research time, in comparison to the other rates. Our guess would be half what was actually paid to the personnel ...

Hudson Public Library's Children's Librarian for the last 4 years, Luna Greenwood, has given up her job in favor of full-time parenting. Following her announcement plans to adopt a child later this month, one wonders why she just doesn't take a couple of unsupervised children home from work for a few weeks. Then she can bring them back and change them for some other ones ...

Congratulations to library patron Derek Leroy McSmith of Forest City, Ga., who seems to have started his own campaign to increase circulation rates by borrowing 490 magazines and 100 books, then immediately dropping them back in the return chute ...

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It was a sad day for literacy education when children's literature stopped being a required course and became an elective in pre-service teacher training.

Trish Wade, MLS Brisbane (Australia)


Another Shockwave adventure, Wild Words challenges you to make letters and guess the hidden word, Hangman style. Can you get past Level 9?

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Thanks to The Scout Report for bringing our attention to the Graffiti Archive, where you can view a range of scribblings on walls, zoom in and out, and watch them change with time. Valid art form, or destructive acts of vandalism? Who cares ... it's not on YOUR library's walls ...

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